Corruption in the world. Economic/financial and all the other ways of this evil. India is topper. World champion.
Wednesday, 16 December 2015
to governor
http Humencorution Blog
My struggling life
Jaswant singh janpengi
lsok esa]
jkT;iky egksn;
jge ,oa lh0ch0vkbZ0 tkWp dh d`ik muds fy;s Hkh dhft, ftuds ikl oksV gS u uksV
gs u vkUnksyu u fonzksg dh ‘kfDr gSA ftUgs ‘kklu U;k; ikfydk vk;ksxks vk;qDrks
rFkk iz’kklu iqfyl ehfM;k us bUlku ugh Ik’kq le>k tkrk gS ftuls vPNs xqynkj]
ukx rFkk o`{k o [k.Mj gS] ftlls ekQh rFkk {kfr igqWpkus ij n.M dk izko/kku gSA
eS 3 vxLr 2014 dks ftyk tsy gfj}kj esa foyqIr
gks jgs jkth tutkfr ds ukckfyxks ls tks 12] 14 lky dh mez ls] 2005 ls vkthou
dkjkokl dh ltk dkV jgsa gSA okjnkr ds le; ek= 12] 14 lky dh iSjoh djus okyk]
feyus okyk dksbZ ugh ls feyk FkkA
eSus mUgs ?kj ekW] Hkkb;ksa] cguksa rFkk {ks= dh
tkudkjh nhA HkkoukRed lqj{kk ls fnyklk fnykus dk iz;kl fd;kA mudk eklwe eu
fi?ky iMkA vklw dh ty/kkj ml cka/k es ca/ks ikuh dh rjg cg jgk Fkk tSls vpkud
cka/k VwV x;k gksA v[kckjksa esa i<k geus gekjh fjgk;h dh dk;Zokgh gks jgh
gS] ge fjgk gks tk;saxsa uk\
geus gR;k Hkh ugh dh] gesa Qalk;k x;k gesa feyus
dksbZ ugha vkrk gS dSls vk;saxs ekW cki cgqr fu/kZu gSA ckj ckj iwNrs fd ge
fjgk gks tk;saxsa ukA esjk tckc Fkk eSa ugh tkurkA bldk tckc egkefge jkT;iky ;k
ekuuh; eq[;ea=h ns ldrs gS eSa rks iz;kl dj jgk gWwA lkyks ls fujUrj tqVk gwWA
rc rd tkjh jgsxkA tc rd ftUnk gwW] iz;kl tkjh jgsaxkA bZ’ok egkefge jkT;iky
rFkk ekuuh; eq[;ea=h dks lncq)h nsA lekurk ls usd dk;Z djus dk lyXuksa dk Hkh
voyksdu djsa 6 ekg ls ?kj ls ckgj jgdj la?k”kZ dj jgk gwWA
os fdLer okys gS ftlls bZ’oj usd dk;Z dk volj
nsrs gSA cnfdLer mlls utj vUnkt dj nsrs gS volj ckj&ckj ugh feyrsA dqlhZ
rFkk bUlkQ dc f[kld tk; irk Hkh ugha pykrk gSA ns’k rHkh egku gksxk tc ‘kkld]
iz’kkld rFkk vke ukxfjd vius ftEesnkjh dk fuokZg lekurk ikjnf’kZrk ,oa tckc
nsgh ls ldsxkA
csclks ds lkekftd U;k; vf/kdkjksa esa lcwrks ds
<sj gS] ugha gS rks iSlkA ns’k esa U;k; feyrk gS isLkks ls nfyr ,oa vYila[;d
dek;h rFkk jktuhfr ds lk/ku ek= jg x;s gSA
tloUr flag txikxhA
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
माननीया मेनका गांधी जी,
निर्भया हत्या कांड एवं बलात्कार का दोशी नाबालिक बाल सुधार ग्रह से 15 दिसम्बर 2015 को रिहा हो जायेगा कानून का तकाजा है आप का कथन है लेकिन उत्तरांखण्ड में 12 एवं 14 साल के दुर्लभ संरक्षण प्राप्त आदिवासी गगन सिंह,जगत सिंह आजीवन कारावास की सजा 2005 से वयस्कों के साथ उत्तरांखण्ड में काट रहे हर न्याय प्रक्रिया वयस्कों की तरह मिलने वाला पैरवी करने वाला कोई नहीं महामहिम राज्यपाल के जांच पर नाबालिक साबित 2011 में हो चुके बालसरक्षण आयोग के जांच पर भी वारदात के समय मात्र 12 व 14 साल के थे मामले को मैं वर्शों पश्चात् मीडिया में प्रकाषित करने में सफल हुआ खबर पढ़ कर मुख्य न्यायधीष ने मामले को स्वतः ही संज्ञान में लिया ए.पी पिथौरागढ़ के जांच पर उपरोक्त वारदात के समय मात्र 12 व 14 साल के थे फिर भी नहीं होती जिसे देष की छवि विष्वस्तर पर धूमिल हो रही है अवयस्कों को आवाजीवन कारावास जघन्य अपराधियों के साथ जो कि यू एन के प्रोटोकाल का उल्घन है बाॅलोक में वट इस द उत्तराखण्ड सेफ राजी टोरबल्स कस्टेडी डेथ का बाॅलोक में अवलोकन करने की कृपया करें।
Save Raji Tribal to a great
human values
A decreasing population…………
Raji tribal and civilized
Raji tribal is different from civilized society
in all ways. Face cut, language, tongue, religion and living standard are all
in different manner.
On one hand raji tribal are very simple and in wild
condition, the civilized society is trying to become modern and looks for
advanced living standards. This civilized society regularly used Raji tribal
for their benefits and political use. There
are too many NGO’s are growing on behalf of the conservation of Raji tribals.
If needed Mr. Gangan Rajwar
a Raji Tribal, became Assembly member by putting him out from cave by civilized
society and a lady from civilized society got
married with Raji Tribal. It happen first time in the history of Raji Tribal.
If not needed he kept out like a bee dropped in the glass of milk by taking too
many illegal works from him. He is under many judicial problem now a days. He
has bungalow, luxurious cars and high living standard but has been cut from wild life society and he is disturbed
in all ways.
After 10
years long political life, he spend such a luxurious life that his tribal
community is not able to accept him in Raji Society .
His condition is such that he cannot became a single ward member now in spite
of the total strength of 200 voters of Raji Tribal and he cannot join the wild
life with his civilized society’s wife.
They the civilized society with
accept there as a MLA he would become
self by his own, his condition is such that a fish from Himalayan river, put
into a pond of fish where he has to free
completion with other fish in all direction and walls in a fixed and suffocated
area. He realized now that his Raji community is cooperation to him and
civilized society could not gave value to him.
society and NGO did not show any sympathy with the Raji tribal and their
society justice and rights. Crores of Govt revenues have been spend till now but there is no change
in the life style of Raji tribal. They are still decreasing due to malnutrition,
illiteracy and low age limit.
are afraid of law and order, thus 12-14 years old boys from Raji tribal is still in jail for life imprisonment and
they are in police custody from 2005.
Mr. Governer of Uttarakhand did not show any sympathy with the two
boy. Is it sensitivity of human
one day raji tribal will finished from society I
request to all google. Please save raji tribal on behalf of sensitivity of
human values.
the raji tribal has strong political back, literate and wealthy then minor raji
tribalgot rights in 2005, even they were innocent in the murder case
raji tribal had police custody death, everyone has silent in this case, because
raji tribal has no vote and no money. Uttarakhand governor release the hard
core criminal Javahar singh parihar, who is in jail since 2005 for life
imprisonment while spending more than his half punishment in payroll.
The two boys did not see the even face of their family member since
2005. The justice in this country follow the rule of unites.
Today the two boys realize that of their community would strong,
they write letter to home that they should go to Nainital high court, and keep
pushpa joshi as advocate and conduct medical from Shushila Tiwari medical
college, they will declare minor, there companion do the same he become
redirect but the parent do not have money and effortless, they cannot do it.
I am requesting since 2009 regularly to governor and chief
minister uttarakhand, but they did not responding after long year. I got
success to publish this news in media but no one is giving preference it seems
the no humanity in the world. I will struggle till my last breath.
Thanks to all of you,
J. S Janpangi
E mail ; mob.
No. 9759284091
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